November 17-19, 2020, Nice, France
Online event
MASCOTS 2020 Workshop Program
19th November 2020
Mascots 2020 Workshop Proceedings
9.15 am Opening Keynote
Gabriele Kotsis, Johannes Kepler University , Linz (Austria) Intelligence? Smartness? Emotion? What do we expect from future computing machinery? (certificate)
Bio: Dr. Gabriele
Kotsis is a Professor at the Johannes Kepler University (Linz, Austria)
and she is the ACM President since July 2020. During her career, she has
been appointed to many prestigious positions, including among the
others, the Vice-Rector for research at JKU University and the President
of the Austrian Computer Society. Professor Kotsis holds a PhD from the
University of Vienna. Her research interests include performance
evaluation and workload characterization applied to many different
application domains.
10.00 am Traffic and Network Performance
Session Chair: Gabriele Kotsis, Johannes Kepler University, Linz (Austria)
- Software Defined Network Dynamics via Diffusions Tadeusz Czachorski, Erol Gelenbe and Dariusz Marek
- Network Traffic Classification Using WiFi Sensing Junye Li, Deepak Mishra and Aruna Seneviratne
- Performance Evaluation of the Packet Aggregation Mechanism of an N-GREEN Metro Network Node Tulin Atmaca, Amira Kamli, Godlove Suila Kuaban and Tadeusz Czachorski
- A Random Neural Network for Attack Detection Kasia Filus, Joanna Domanska and Erol Gelenbe
11.00 – 11.30 Coffee Break
11.30 Computer System Performance Optimization
Session Chair: Giulano Casale, Imperial College London (UK)
- Non-Neutrality With Users Deciding Differentiation: A Satisfying Option? Anne Kieffer, Patrick Maillé and Bruno Tuffin
- Measuring Performance of Fault Management in a Legacy System: An Alarm System Study Juri Tomak and Sergei Gorlatch
- Demo: SHAMan: a flexible framework for auto-tuning HPC systems Sophie Robert, Soraya Zertal, Philippe Couve
12.15 Lunch
13.30 Network and System Optimization I
Session Chair: Josu Doncel, University of the Basque Country (Spain)
- QUIC Throughput and Fairness over Dual Connectivity David Hasselquist, Christoffer Lindström, Nikita Korzhitskii, Niklas Carlsson and Andrei Gurtov
- Hypothesis-based Comparison of IPv6 and IPv4 Path Distances David Hasselquist, Christian Wahl, Otto Bergdal and Niklas Carlsson
- LPWAN Gateway Location Selection Using Modified K-Dominating Set Algorithm Krzysztof Grochla, Adam Glos, Zbigniew Łaskarzewski, Jarosław Miszczak, Konrad Połys, Anna Strzoda, Artur Frankiewicz and Przemyslaw Sadowski
- Toolset for Run-time Dataset Collection of Deep-scene Information Gustav Aaro, Daniel Roos and Niklas Carlsson
14.30 Coffee break
15.00 Network and System Optimization II
Session Chair: Ivona Brandic, Technical University of Vienna (Austria)
- Measurement and Modeling of Tumblr Traffic Rachel Mclean, Mehdi Karamollahi and Carey Williamson
- Tail Latency in Datacenter Networks Asaad Althoubi, Reem Alshahrani and Hassan Peyravi
- Balanced Gray Codes for Reduction of Bit-Flips in Phase Change Memories Arockia David Roy Kulandai, Stella J, John Rose and Thomas Schwarz
15.45 Closing
In Cooperation with the IEEE Computer Society (approved)