November 17-19, 2020, Nice, France
Online event
The MASCOTS 2020 Symposium on Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems encourages original submissions describing state-of-the-art research in the areas of the performance evaluation of computer systems and networks as well as in related areas.
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Papers describing results of theoretical and/or practical significance are solicited. Experimental, modelling and simulation studies are all in the scope of the conference. Work focusing on novel performance evaluation methods or providing insights on design and runtime management tradeoffs are particularly encouraged.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Big data and advanced machine learning techniques for system optimisation and design
- Cloud/edge/fog technologies
- Computer architectures, multi-core processors and memory systems
- Computer networks, protocols and algorithms
- Databases and big data systems and technologies
- Energy efficient computer systems
- Internet of Things
- Mobile systems
- Multimedia systems
- Operating systems and virtualization technologies
- Security in computer and communication systems
- Smart grids and cyber-physical systems
- Social networks
- Storage and file systems
- Web systems, enterprise applications and web services
- Wireless, mobile, ad-hoc and sensor networks
In Cooperation with the IEEE Computer Society (approved)